Entering the Ghost Mode

Hi Friends, hope you are healthy & fine. Today’s Blog is about the new technique popularized by the humanitarian Robin Sharma. If you are following Robin Sharma you must have come across this concept about going ghost for a year or as I say Entering the Ghost Mode. Robin Sharma has explained this concept in his recently launched book “The Wealth Money Can’t Buy”.

If you are at that stage of life where upgrading yourself is your main motto then get into the Ghost mode ASAP. It simply means going dark for an entire year, and being hard to reach. Going ghost for a year can be a daunting task for many but you can start with a 15-day span or a 1-month span. In this period refuse to make new friends, stop shopping, stop visiting restaurants, stop going on weekend trips & simply pull back yourself from the world.  

So what will you be doing after Entering the Ghost Mode?

Devote yourself to your personal growth

Simply devote yourself to your personal growth, upgrade your work skills, learn something new about your field, and develop the habit of reading or writing which you have been planning for a long time but never happened. Also, spend time on self-healing. There is a lot that we go through but we never give ourselves enough time to heal.

Get into the finest physical & mental condition

Also, get into the finest physical & mental condition you have ever been. Start doing regular workouts, jogging, skipping, and swimming. Do some yoga, and meditation, spend time alone enjoying the beauty of nature, do some charity, and pray to your fullest. Stay away from the digital screen & improve your sleep pattern.  Improve your reading. The time you have wasted watching useless Reels, browsing Social Media use that time to read & know more about your field.

Restrict your spending & increase your savings

Start restricting your spending, and reduce your needs so that you can scale your savings. There is a saying in English that  “A penny saved is a penny earned”. When you are in Ghost Mode you can know more about your heroes (people you follow), study their rituals, know about their struggles, and how they overcame them. Also, have some clean natural food (eat fruits, pulses, and other high protein foods), consume clean water & slowly withdraw from addictions like smoking, drinking, scrolling, and overworking to name a few. During weekends make it a point to take long walks in the woods. Climb forts, do cycling or simply walk for 2 to 3 hours in a day.  

Start Practicing gratitude.

Once you wake up every morning thank the almighty for everything you have been blessed with. Food on your table, a roof over your head, caring family members, enough money in your bank, and more. Also, start forgiving people who have hurt you. Consider those heartbreaks, and betrayals as blessings that are empowering you to reach your highest level.  As mentioned by Robin Sharma in the Book “Make yourself into the person you need to become to have the genuine fortune you currently desire”.

Entering the Ghost Mode

So challenge yourself to go ghost for twelve full months or to start with for at least a couple of months.  As Robin Sharma says in the Book after Entering the Ghost Mode “Make becoming your best, your highest project for twelve months.” Once you are done return to the world completely transformed, profoundly improved and all set to upgrade this beautiful planet.

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