Hi! Friends, Hope you are all healthy and fine. Today’s wellness blog is about getting monsoon-ready. Monsoon is just around the corner and as always it’s time to gear up for the most discussed season. One of the most pleasant seasons enjoyed by many, we wait desperately for the Monsoon. Just watching the rain falling from the window of your home at times can be a much-needed stress buster, especially in today’s fast-paced life.
Monsoon is also the season that comes with certain problems. If you are living in a metropolitan city like Mumbai, then with the Monsoon comes problems like water logging, traffic jams, local train disruption, and viral fever to name a few. So the beautiful season of Monsoon which gives much-needed relief from the scorching heat brings with it some issues as well.
Given below are a few tips that can be useful to make you prepare for this year’s monsoon or to get monsoon ready.
1. Getting your Monsoon Gear – As a human being we are bound to be a victim of procrastination. In simple words, procrastination means the habit of delaying or postponing something that needs to be done. Normally, it’s our tendency to search for or buy a new umbrella or a rain jacket only when the rainy season starts. So during the first rain of the season most of the time we are caught wandering. In normal cases, we get away from it but if you have some important appointment & you struggle to move out of your home due to the lack of proper monsoon gear then that can be extremely annoying and frustrating.
2. Inspect your Home – Before the start of the Monsoon season make it a point to inspect your home properly. Check for leakages or cracks if any across your house. Check for waterproofing. Also, if needed install a shed outside your window or a balcony to keep the rainwater out. Also, check & safeguard your Wi-Fi router if required during the monsoon. If you live in a low-lying area and your house is at the ground floor make it a point to have all your preventive measures in place to combat the spell of heavy rains.
3. Outdoor Areas – As a responsible citizen make it a point to inspect your outdoor areas just before the start of the monsoon season. Check the status of your nearby drainage system and get in touch with the concerned municipal authorities if it requires immediate cleaning. Also, have a look at your nearby trees, and if the branches need trimming update regarding the same to your society or the concerned authorities. Also, if you have a vehicle ensure that the vehicle servicing is done before the monsoon and do look for a safe parking to avoid water damage.

4. Staying Healthy during Monsoon – One of the most important aspects of getting monsoon-ready is to take care of your health during monsoon. As I always say in my wellness blogs “Health is our greatest wealth” and the proper care should be taken of this wealth. Monsoon season is a perfect breeding ground for various bacteria and viruses. As a result, your body is at risk of various illnesses during this season. Some common monsoon diseases include dengue fever, cholera, and typhoid fever to name a few.
In some cases, the virus is so strong that many of us get affected despite taking some precautions but still, it’s better to be fully prepared against these viruses. Try to drink filtered water or mineral water during the monsoon. Even though the quality of water is extremely good in many cities of India it is advisable to drink mineral water at restaurants or while traveling during the monsoon.
Another most important thing to do during monsoon is “TO AVOID EATING OUTSIDE FOOD” no matter what the situation. Even if the local Bhel Puri or Idli Wada Guy is your good friend still avoid eating from him because rainy conditions make it difficult for food vendors to maintain proper hygiene standards. Water logging may lead to contamination of ingredients with waterborne bacteria. So stay away from outside food for the next few months. Also, maintain regular personal hygiene during this season and visit a doctor immediately even if you are having minor health issues like stomach upset, mild fever, and coughing to name a few.

5. Miscellaneous – Keep your skin dry and clean during monsoon and change the wet clothes immediately to prevent rashes & fungal infections. Since I am a Gym-loving guy need to mention about working out during monsoon as well. If you hit the Gym early in the morning at times you can feel a bit lazy looking at the rain falling & can continue your sleep giving Gym a miss. But try avoiding doing it especially if it is only a light drizzle. However, in case of heavy rains, you can resort to functional training at your home instead of going to the Gym and for a Jog. But make it a point to hit the Gym consistently during the monsoon despite the muggy and trying conditions because a small Gym break for a few days can extend to weeks and in some cases to months. Also, make it a point to stay updated about weather conditions especially if you are traveling.
So given above are some tips for Getting Monsoon Ready. So enjoy the beauty of the rain to the fullest and always take care of your health and the tips shared above can help. So Let’s hope for a great and safe monsoon.