Hi! Friends, Hope you are all healthy and fine. Today’s wellness blog titled Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water is about the topic of water which is often neglected when we talk about a Healthy Diet. I wrote a Blog titled Eat Food as Medicine which is available on my Website. In this Blog I covered the Topic of drinking enough water & why to consider water as a medicine in one of the Paragraphs. But I felt that there should be more information on this matter so I am writing this Blog about the Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water.
The human body contains around 60% water. It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses (about 2 liters) of water a day, though individual requirements can differ based on factors such as activity level, climate, and overall health. There is not a proper science behind this rule but staying hydrated is important. Given below are the health benefits of drinking enough water.
1. Maximizes physical performance: It is extremely important to stay hydrated during intense exercise or extreme heat. You can feel dehydrated even if you lose 2% of your body water content. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, altered body temperature, and a lack of motivation. This can also make you physically & mentally weak. So by drinking ample amounts of water, you can stay properly hydrated which will allow you to perform at your best especially while doing high-intensity activities like workout and also during hot & humid weather conditions.

2. Beneficial for Healthy Joints: The large part of your joint cartilage is made up of water that helps to absorb shock and facilitates smoother bone-against-bone movements. Water being a component of synovial fluid lubricates & cushions joints and cartilage thereby minimizing friction and the risk associated with joint pain and stiffness. If you are body is not properly hydrated it can pull water from cartilage and other areas making it harmful for your joints. It can also eradicate toxins from your body that could inflame your joints.
3. Prevents Constipation (You stay regular): An increase in hydration may help to relieve constipation. Constipation means irregular bowel movements & difficulty passing stool. In most cases, constipation usually passes on its own but you can get things moving with some water. Increasing fluid intake is one of the suggested treatment protocols to combat constipation. So consume enough water daily as low water consumption can be a risk factor for constipation in both younger & older adults.
4. Helps you Sweat: This is interesting but one of the health benefits of drinking enough water is that it helps you sweat. Water is a key component of sweat, which is the main way for the body to regulate temperature. When your body heats up, especially during workout (exercise) the water stored in the skin’s middle layers evaporates as sweat, cooling the body. So drink some extra water before you leave for your Gym. Also, try to drink water every 10 to 15 Min during your exercise.
5. Boosts your Kidney Health: Drinking enough water helps to keep your kidneys healthier. Water helps kidneys remove waste from your blood in the form of urine. Water also enables to keep your blood vessels open thereby allowing blood to travel freely to your kidneys and providing essential nutrients. It is important to note that mild dehydration can make you tired and weaken normal body functions but severe dehydration can result in kidney damage.
Drinking enough water may also help in treating kidney stones. Higher fluid intake increases the urine volume passing through the kidneys. These help to dilute the concentration of minerals making them less likely to crystalize and form clumps. An increase in water intake minimizes the risk of kidney stone formation.
6. Aids Weight Loss: One of the surprising health benefits of drinking enough water is that it helps you to lose weight. Water increases satiety and improves your metabolic rate. Increasing your metabolism enables you to burn more calories daily. Drinking enough water also makes your stomach feel more full thereby reducing food cravings.
7. Good for Skin: Drinking enough water can be beneficial for your skin. A consistent water intake can improve skin density & thickness. This is because the skin contains about 30 percent water. So drinking enough water enables the skin to remain plump enhancing its elasticity & resilience. Drinking a good amount of water may also help fight skin-related issues like psoriasis & eczema. So consistent fluid intake may improve the appearance & the overall health of your skin.

8. Promotes Heart Health: Your ticker works better when you drink enough water. When your body is hydrated your heart can pump blood smoothly through blood vessels to muscles thereby reducing strain on the heart. Drinking enough water reduces sodium levels as higher sodium levels provide greater chances of developing heart problems. Also, consuming an adequate amount of water leads to less blood in your body which helps to lower your blood pressure & raise your heart rate.
So given above are some of the important health benefits of drinking enough water.
Also, given below are a few of the tips from my end regarding adequate time for drinking water
Drinking Water Empty Stomach in the morning
This is one of the things that I do religiously. Drinking around 4 to 5 glasses of water once you get up in the morning helps flush out your bowels & thereby regulate your digestive tract. It also prevents harmful bacteria from building up. Drinking water once you get up helps your body recover from it’s nightly dehydration. Also, If you are having difficulty while passing regular motion drink plenty of water once you wake up in the morning as it helps in clearing the waste from your body.
Drinking water after meals
Gulping down plenty of water while eating or immediately after eating can affect proper digestion. Having a glass or so is fine but make it a point to avoid drinking excess water while having meal. Also, make it a point to wait for 15 to 20 minutes after a meal before consuming water. However, there is no concrete evidence that you should avoid drinking water with or immediately after meals. It’s just a pattern I follow which has given me positive results.
The Conclusion
Remember that water is the healthiest choice and there are several health benefits of drinking enough water. Also, don’t have too much, as drinking excess water can dilute the salt in your blood which can make you sick. Make sure you get enough water every day and be hydrated as even a minor dehydration can affect you mentally & physically.
Also, keep clean & nice steel or copper water at your workplace & make it a point to carry a water bottle wherever you go so that you drink whenever the need arises. So take in optimum amount of water every day for a healthy lifestyle