As one of the Directors of Kokankanya Business Pvt. Ltd sharing with my readers a short overview of Kokankanya. Currently, we have our own E-Commerce Website named Being a Digital Marketer by profession I am managing this Website as well.
So what is Kokankanya ?
Kokan is a land of pristine beauty & natural resources. The red fertile soil produces juicy fruits, millets, and cereals. Fishes are tastier. The artisans make beautiful artworks out of Bamboo and woods found in the jungles of Kokan. The locals have been selling these products in local markets mainly to tourists and in a few scattered shops in the metros of Mumbai and Pune. The great product line of Kokan has not been finding connects with customers- especially outside Maharashtra.
Understanding this question and with an urge to unleash the true value of the products, I along with my partner Mr. Harshad Mane both from Mumbai- originating in Kokan decided to start an e-commerce web portal. We named our Website Kokankanya which is kokan’s own e-Commerce Website. The website was launched on the auspicious occasion of Dussehra of 2020.
“Our Mission is to provide a Digital Platform to Local Manufacturers of the Kokan Region, enabling them to sell their products to the global market- #LocalToGlobal and #VocalforLocal fits perfectly in our vision. For this, we are aggressively marketing the platform, using integrated digital marketing & other marketing mediums”

We began our Journey by covering each corner of Kokan, exploring the specialties of every part, and bringing on the website the best of Konkan. Thus, you will find a variety of Kokan products on our Website ranging from Personal & Homecare, Food Products, Wooden specialties, Bamboo products, Fragrances, shell Décor & more. These products are being manufactured in different parts of Kokan.
Kokan is blessed with Alphonso mangoes. But it is also a home of Jackfruit, Jamun, Kokum, Cashew and Karwand (Karonda). Therefore, Mango Pulp, Juice of Kokum, Jamun, Awla, and various products made of Jackfruit, and pickles have been finding a place in local cuisine and are now attracting huge demand from customers. We are also having some of these products on our website.
Exotic Spices from Kokan like Malvani Masala, Fish masala are also extremely popular in Maharashtrian kitchens. You can order all these products from our Website.

Besides taste to customers, is also focusing on the health and wellness segment. Amla Juice serves as an excellent immunity booster. Jamun consists of various health benefits and is considered diabetic-friendly. Brown rice and flakes, which are famous amongst locals have good nutritional values. We wish to bring these local superfoods to the dining tables of India, rather world.
As a part of our health & wellness initiative, we have also started a Diabetes Care Package on Our Website.

Kokan is not just about foods. The great artists & craftsmen of this region are known for their artistry. Wooden specialties from Sawantwadi have been popular since royal times. They can have a good demand overseas if they are marketed in a proper manner. You can get Sawantwadi Specialities on our Website. Specialties include Wooden Toys, Wooden kitchen utilities, and wooden décor to name a few.

Another Kokan specialty is shells found on the Konkan coast. The Kokan artists use them to make home decor items that are must-buy to beautify your houses. Shell items from Kokan are also available on our Website under Kokan Décor Category.
Bamboo art is yet another Kokan specialty that deserves a global market. Bamboo products made by local artisans of the Kokan region are an excellent décor option for home & outdoor décor. You can find bamboo décor products like Bamboo lamp, Bamboo Momento, Bamboo Pen stand on our Website.

There are plenty of local manufacturers in the Kokan region- few have good brands with recognition but many are homerun businesses. Especially, when it comes to marketing to reach a global audience, there is a gross lack of knowledge. aims to fill this vacuum with modern marketing techniques, a professional approach, and efficient supply chain management. “We strive to give them a global face by introducing high-quality Kokan products to consumers”.
Visit Kokankanya website & buy the best of Kokan.
Support the locals, bring taste and nutrition to your foods and make Kokan your lifestyle quotient.