Hi! myself Alhad Anil Nene, a Digital Marketer by Passion and Founder of Ved DigiConnect which is a Digital Marketing Agency based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Writing is my Drug of Choice and I enjoy writing on Topics related to Health and Wellness, Cricket, and Politics to name a few. I have launched my Digital Marketing agency in October 2022 with the main aim of providing Integrated digital marketing services to clients.
As a Freelancer, I have handled digital marketing promotion for various clients ranging from Print Media to Tours & Travel, Real Estate, Restaurant, and Hindi Cinema to name a few. Currently, under my Digital Marketing Agency, we are handling different types of projects like integrated digital marketing for a senior citizen community living project, social media marketing campaign for a Konkan-based Homestay, and a lead generation campaign for a Real Estate company.
Under my Digital Marketing Agency, We provide Digital Marketing Services to our clients which will help them grow their businesses online through the use of Social Media & other Integrated Digital Marketing Modules. I have a proper Digital Marketing Team who is working under my guidance.
So feel free to get in touch with me if you need any help regarding Digital Marketing for your business. Also, keep reading my articles on various topics on this website.
My Contact Number: 9869831958
Email ID: alhadwriter@gmail.com