Social Media, One of the great inventions of the modern age! Well, Invention might not be a technically correct word but looking at the impact Social Media is having on our daily lives since last decade it can be called as the ?Great Invention?. My first introduction with Social Media was around 13 yrs back with ?Orkut? which was founded in Jan 2004. After that came Facebook which is still bossing the Social Media world. However, since last few years, Networking Sites like Twitter, Instagram,? Linkedin also have developed their own set of dedicated followers
Being a Facebook Guy, I am a bit partial to FB. Coming back to my Topic, since working in the field of Social Media since last two years, I have regular interaction with Facebook & Twitter personally as well professionally. So just thought of jotting down few things about Social Media which has become a world within a world today.
Impact of Facebook, the most happening thing on Social Media
Most of the people who use the Internet have Facebook Accounts. Facebook is just like a Small Online Planet where we meet our old friends, interact with our existing friends & make lots of new friends. Due to Smartphones & High-Speed Internet, most of us have Facebook in our Cellphones & it has become our daily companion. From Chatting to voicing our opinion, from flirting to following our Superstars we all use Facebook regularly.

Twitter & its dedicated Set of Followers on Social Media
If you believe in Class rather than Mass then Twitter is for you. This is what I feel. A handle where you can express your opinion in just 140 words has come a long way. From Celebrities to politicians, to famous Sports Teams everyone has their own Twitter handle. For me, it?s a great source for getting genuine news. Recent jump from 140 to 280 words is a welcome change for many like me who like to express views & opinion in detail.
Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest & more
Apart from Facebook & Twitter other social networking sites that attract netizens are Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr to name a few. Since I am not that active in any of those sites I have decided to skip this subject for time being. However, downloaded Instagram App a few days back & I had to admit that I was very late to do join the group. Some of the photos shared are a sheer visual delight to your eyes. This is what I can say from my small experience with the Instagram App
Dos & Don?ts of Social Media
Since I have work in Social Media professionally & has been using it for more than a decade there are some points which I would like to share which might be helpful for some for sure.
- If you use the Internet regularly & still not have your? Account on social networking sites, then just create one today.? There are lots of things which you can get to know regarding your profession, education & so on.
- Social Media is a perfect platform to find your old school, colony friends. So start searching them now.
- There are lots of contests, offers & other promotions going on continuously on various Social Networking sites. So keep checking as particular offer might be useful to you or you can just win a Ticket for next Cricket Match in your Town by winning a certain contest.
- If you are having your own business then start promoting it on Social networking sites. If you are a good Writer, Blogger, Actor, Model or Fitness Trainer then start your own dedicated Social Media Account. If? these Accounts are operated professionally then it will give you good returns for sure.
- If you are actively involved in politics, then Social Media is one of the best platforms to connect with people personally. So all aspiring politicians & current political parties, start taking this medium of promotion seriously.
- There are lots of Social initiatives & campaigns that can be carried out successfully on Social Media.
- Social Media can also be a good career option. So if you like Writing, Designing, working with changing technology then it might be a good field for you to pursue your career.
- Stay away from posting derogatory content while interacting on social networking sites. Also, insulting a particular religion, or using abusive language against a popular figure, politician, celebrity, might land you in trouble. There is strong CyberLaw which will make sure that you get a proper punishment.
- Stay away from unknown Social Apps like that for making new friends, dating.etc. Most of them are fake & some may even take out money from your pockets.
- Don?t be too personal . Some people have a habit of posting almost every activity they do on Social Sites. There are some things which are better not to be shared online. ??If you are going through a lot of Stress than search for the remedies online instead of making it an issue on Social networking websites.
- Don?t trust online friends before you meet and interact with them personally. You may be having lots of online friends who you don?t know but Chat quite often. It?s better not to get too personal with them.
- Also, if some online friend wants to meet you, make sure about the destination where you are meeting. Don?t meet him/her at an unknown destination about which you don?t know anything.
Social Media Addiction - Social Media can also turn into an Addiction. So it’s important to maintain the proper balance as it should not affect your work. Since we are busy?with work whole day many of us have a habit of using Social Media at night. Be careful about the time spent on Social networking sites as in most cases it can affects our sleep patterns. Even I am a victim of it to an extent.
- Don?t get over involved on Social networking sites. There are many groups where you interact on Social Media. However, it’s important to know how much time we need to interact or spend time with a particular group or on a particular topic. Being on Social Media for long hours might kill our good habit like reading.
Social Media – Is here to Stay
Social Media which has become a part and parcel of our life is here to stay. In fact, it might be more popular in years to come. So how to use this modern-day invention is completely in our own hands.
Nice informative article !
Thanks a Lot
Of late, social media has become a platform to hurl slurs at people one doesn’t like.
Yeah, agreed. Most of the debates start with relation to Political parties & in the end, they get personal.