In my last blog, I wrote about the Era of Digital Transformation & how I am lucky enough to experience this transformation. As mentioned in my last Blog just sharing some points on the Future of Digitalisation.
Gone through one interesting sarcastic post on Rishabh Pant who played a memorable inning for India against England on Sunday which helped India to clinch the ODI series. The post read “This is Rishabh Pant’s Era & We are just living in it” .. After Gabba 2021 it’s Manchester 2022.

Similarly we can now safely say that “This is a Digital World & we are simply living in it”. Our Mornings begin by switching off the Cell Phone Alarms, then we browse through E-Mails, Social Media.. at times Post on Social Media, WhatsApp, Book an Auto/ Cab through OLA App, Make payments through GPay, PayTM. Watch a Movie, WebSeries or a Cricket Match on some App & so on.
So whole day in some way or another we can simply be connected with our Digital Gadgets especially mobile Phones. The connection, the dependency will go on to increase in near future. So it’s essential for us to stay updated with these Digital Advancements & make use of the same to benefit our lives.
Read about Tamil Nadu’s couple holding India’s first-of-its-kind wedding reception in the metaverse. So in the future won’t be surprised if the trend continues.

Nowadays People meet digitally and get in love digitally, maybe in the future the entire marriage ceremony will be conducted digitally, or may have an App doing the honors. Might be a good business idea as well to have An App for hosting Marriage Online inclusive of Online Pandit Services.
Another thing that will change in the future due to digitalization is Education. We all know how during the pandemic, schools were conducted online. Don’t know about this trend in the future because kids should socialize & for that going to school meeting friends, taking part in extracurricular activities is extremely important. However, in the future, we can have some serious knowledge online Education courses for Kids. Or a Robot teaching an entire curriculum to a student can be a reality as well.
Regarding Mobile Phones, there will be more & more modifications & the digital gadget will keep on upgrading. Maybe a Mobile Phone on a Solar or a Phone which won’t need charging might come up in the future.
Another thing that will be surely popular in the future is AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI is a wide-ranging task of computer science involved with making smart machines that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. Alexa, Self-driving Cars, Robo-Advisors, Netflix’s recommendations are some examples of Artificial Intelligence. This is one concept to look forward to In the future,. Will write a Blog over this as well after thorough research.

In this competitive digitalized world it’s important to have a basic knowledge of the advancements. You can use these Digital Advancements for upgrading your knowledge and upscaling your businesses as well. With everything going Digital and with the Future being Digital it’s important for everyone to stay updated with the changes. Some people may be a bit traditional, old-type even I am to an extent but having knowledge of these advancements is a must.
There are other fields like Sports, Medicine, and Fitness where this Digital Upgradation will be helpful as well. Almost every field will be benefited from these changes. But it’s important to have a basic knowledge about these advancements & use them to improve your business, health & lifestyle.
Any more Digital Advancements you can think about ?? Kindly share in the comment box.
खूप छान लिहिलं आहेस.. खरं आहे आता डिजीटल युग सुरु झालंय.. आणि प्रत्येकाला कुठल्या ना कुठल्या गोष्टीसाठी हे ज्ञान असणं आवश्यक बाब झाली आहे.. अगदी आमच्या किंवा आमच्या आधीच्या पिढीलाही हे ज्ञान असणं गरजेचं आहे.. भविष्यात सगळीकडे माणसांच्या ऐवजी त्यांची विविध कामं करणारे रोबोज् दिसले तरी नवल वाटायला नको.. माझी एक कथा या यंत्रमानवाबद्दल लिहिली आहे.. आता वाचक पण प्रत्यक्ष पुस्तक घेऊन वाचण्याऐवजी डिजीटल वाचणे पसंत करतात.. फायदे तसेच तोटेही आहेत पण शेवटी जगाबरोबर चाललेच पाहिजे
Well Said