Workout from Home

Everyone must be familiar with the Concept of Work from Home during this Lockdown. I think even though #Unlock_1 has begun, many like me are in Work from Home mode at least till the 30th of June. So what about ?Workout from Home?, how many are a part of this habit?? I know many Body Builders might be Working out Strenuously from their Home as most of them may have some Gym equipment at their living space. And for these guys, Body Building is their profession so they need to have their bodies in shape no matter what.? However, can?t imagine the trouble these Body Builders are facing from the time Gyms around the country were closed from the second week of March.

There is another group of Guys in Gym of which I am also a part of since my college days. This group is not much concerned about building muscles or getting those Six Packs, the only purpose is to try to stay fit. Due to low protein Diet and lack of seriousness in the workout, this group cannot make serious changes in their bodies but being in constant touch with work out, this group always maintains their body shape as in these guys are never obese or never thin. So this workout from Home thing is mostly written by keeping that group in mind of which I am also a part.

So few simple Fitness Tricks we can follow at home to keep our Body in Shape ?it is? till Gyms reopen again. Give half an hour every day & five days a week to your Body. And since most of us are doing Work from Home we can easily give that time. ?Given below are some of the Basic Exercises we can follow during our Workout From Home Regime… ?

  1. 5 Min WarmUp ? As we do at the Gym we can begin our Exercise Session with a light warm-up for 5 Min. It includes neck exercise, side stretches, Bend down & touch your Toes type of things.
  2. Dips and Namaskars ? This is the most difficult & effective exercise. Dips or Namaskars or if your body allows, you can even do both forms. I personally prefer Namaskars. Reps you can decide depending on your body size & your practice. If you do Namaskars at Gym you can easily do 20 in 1 Set with 3 Sets in Total. However, If you are doing Namaskars for the first time. Go a bit slow, try with 5 in 1 Set with 3 Sets in Total. Slowly keep on increasing the count. ?10 Namaskars in 1 Set with 3 Sets in Total is good enough. You can do Namaskars or Dips ? 3 to 4 days a week.
  3. Freehand Squats ? This is another form of effective exercise which we can do at home. This Exercise is basically for your legs. Those who work out in the Gym must be lifting weights on their shoulder with a bar while doing squats. However, if you do not have a Bar & Weights at your home you can do simple Free Hand Squats. ?15 to 20 Reps per Set with a total of 3 Sets. I personally prefer Free Hand Half Squats. However, try to do this workout form in front of the mirror as posture is extremely important. Your body needs to be absolutely straight while you do this exercise. You can do this Exercise 2 Times a week.
  4. Biceps & Triceps Workout ? With no Dumbbells & No Bar how to give a workout to your Biceps & Triceps. Well, you can use a Stool or a Gas Cylinder and do a standing Biceps Curl.? 12 to 15 Reps with a total of 3 Sets. You can do this 1 to 2 Times a Week.? For Triceps, ?you can try a Chair Triceps Dips. You can google the form & technique. NOTE : Do these Exercises for Biceps & Triceps only if you Workout at Gym & are familiar with these Exercise Forms.

5. Cardiovascular Exercises: If you are having a Treadmill at your home then you must be surely using that during this #Lockdown. 15 to 20 Min with 3 to 4 times a week I think is perfect. However, with no Treadmill at home one of the options, you can Try is Spot Jogging & Skipping. Not as effective as Jogging on a Treadmill or Jogging at a Park or on a Beach. However, it might give you some positive effects. 5 Min Spot Jogging breaking it in 2 & ? Min Session is good to start off with. Max you can do is 10 Min of Spot Jogging by breaking it in 5 Min Session with 60 seconds Break. Spot Jogging at times can give you some leg pain. So decide the intensity by taking that factor into account.

6. Stomach (Abdominal) Crunches ? This is one of the Best workouts for your stomach muscles. You can do this exercise at the end of your Workout Session. You can google the perfect technique if you are not aware of the same. You can do Stomach Crunches, 2 to 3 days a week 15 Reps Per Set.

You can mix and match the above exercises and form your fitness schedule. However, try to figure out which exercise suits your body and accordingly design your schedule. A normal schedule you can decide

Day 1- Warm Up, Dips / Namaskars, Biceps, Triceps, ?Spot Jogging, Crunches

Day 2 – Warm Up, Dips / Namaskars, ?FreeHand Squats, ?Spot Jogging , Crunches

You can mix and match the same for the remaining days. As I said earlier, try to follow 5 Days Schedule with a Time Zone of half an hour to 45 Min for each day. And yes, also try to follow a Nutrient High & Low Cab Diet.? Keep your Body Fit internally & externally during these testing times coz HEALTH IS WEALTH!! #TakeCare #StaySafe ?

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